AFES - PRESS publications arranged by topics



Armament Policy and Weapons Technology

Hans Günter Brauch; Henk van de Graaf; John Grin; Wim Smit: Militärtechnikfolgenabschätzung und präventive Rüstungskontrolle. Institutionen, Verfahren und Instrumente. Frieden, Sicherheit, Umwelt, Klima und Energie, No. 11, 1997, ISBN 3-926979-65-8, € 35.00 - $ 35.00 - SF 70.00.

Hendrik Bullens (Ed.): Arms Industry at the Crossroads: Conversion, Restructuring and Arms Trade in Europe. IPRA Security and Disarmament Commission Paper 8, AFES-PRESS Report No. 62, 1997, 105pp., ISBN 3-926979-67-4, € 15.00 - $ 20.00 - SFr 30.00.

Hendrik Bullens, Seiitsu Tachibana (Eds.) with the assistance of Wayne Reynolds: Restructuring Security Concepts, Postures and Industrial Base. IPRA Security and Disarmament Commission Paper 9, AFES-PRESS Report No. 63, 1997, 255pp., ISBN 3-926979-68-2, € 29.00 - $ 38.00 - SF 58.00.

Jürgen Mechler: Das amerikanische Binärwaffenprogramm. Chemische Waffen: Technologie und Politik [The American Binary Weapon Programme Chemical Weapons: Technology and Politics], AFES-PRESS Report No. 52, 1994, 85pp., ISBN 3-926979-56-9, € 15.00 - $ 20.00- SF 30.00.

Hans Günter Brauch - Robert Kennedy (Eds.): Alternative Conventional Defense Postures in the European Theater, Volume 3: Force Posture Alternatives for Europe After the Cold War. With a Foreword by Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker, physicist and philosopher, and Paul C. Warnke, former director, US Arms Control and Disarmament Agency (New York - Bristol, PA - Washington, DC, London: A member of the Taylor & Francis Group) 1993, 336 pp., ISBN 0-8448-1728-7, $ 54.50 - £ 39.00.

Hans Günter Brauch - Robert Kennedy (Eds.): Alternative Conventional Defense Postures in the European Theater, Volume 2: The Impact of Political Change on Strategy, Technology, and Arms Control. With a Foreword by General Wolfgang Altenburg, former Chairman of the NATO Military Committee (New York - Bristol, PA - Washington, DC, London: A member of the Taylor & Francis Group), 1992, 300 pp., ISBN 0-8448-1600-0, $ 45.00 - £ 35.00.

Hans Günter Brauch (Ed.): Controlling Military Research and Development and Exports of Dual Use Technologies as a Problem of Disarmament and Arms Control Policy in the 1990s. The Results of the Seventh AFES-PRESS Conference. Abstracts and Discussions, AFES-PRESS Report No. 45, 1992, 230pp., ISBN 3-926979-44-5, € 20.00 - $ 28.00 - SF 40.00.

Hans Günter Brauch (Ed.): Evaluation of ATBM Defense, AFES-PRESS Report No. 27, 1992, 101 pp., ISBN 3-926979-19-4, € 15.00 - SF 30.00 - $ 21.00.

Hans Günter Brauch (Ed.): Weapons Technology, Disarmament and Verification, IPRA Defense and Disarmament Study Group Paper 1, AFES-PRESS Report No. 41, 1991, 141pp., ISBN 3-926979-36-4, € 15.00 - $ 20.00 - SF 30.00.

Malcolm Chalmers - Lutz Unterseher: Is There a Tank Gap? A Comparative Assessment of the Tank Fleets of NATO and the Warsaw Pact, With a German preface by Hermann Scheer, MdB [Gibt es eine Panzerlücke? Eine vergleichende Bewertung der Panzer der NATO und des Warschauer Paktes. Mit einem deutschen Vorwort Hermann Scheer, MdB], AFES-PRESS Report No. 20, 1990, 85pp., ISBN 3-926979-12-7, € 10.00- $ 14.00 - SF 20.00.

John Grin: Options for the Communication System of NATO's Land Forces. Optionen für das Kommunikationssystem der Landstreitkräfte der NATO, AFES-PRESS Report No. 31, 1990, 78pp., ISBN 3-926979-22-4, € 10.00 - $ 14.00 - SF 20.00.

Sjef Orbons: A Classification and Evaluation of Concepts for the Defense of NATO's Central Sector [Klassifizierung und Bewertung von Konzepten der Verteidigung in NATO's Kernsektor], AFES-PRESS Report No. 33, 1989, 74pp., ISBN 3-926979-25-9, € 10.00 - $ 14.00 - SF 20.00.

Rolf Armbrust: Anti-U-Boot-Kriegführung und strategische Stabilität [Antisubmarine Warfare and Strategic Stability], AFES-PRESS Report No. 8, 1989, 137pp., ISBN 3-926979-05-4, € 15.00 - $ 15.00- SF 30.00.

Herbert Beck: Verifying the Projected Chemical Weapons Convention, A Cost Analysis [Verifikation der geplanten Konvention zum Verbot der Chemischen Waffen], AFES-PRESS Report No. 13, 1989, 107pp., ISBN 3-926979-10-0, € 15.00- $ 21.00 - SF 30.00

Hans Günter Brauch: Chemical Warfare and Chemical Arms Control, AFES-PRESS Report No. 34, 1989, 62pp., ISBN 3-926979-26-7, € 12.00 - SF 25.00 - $ 10.00.

Hans Günter Brauch (Ed.): Military Technology, Armaments Dynamics and Disarmament. ABC Weapons, Military use of Nuclear Energy and of Outer Space and Implications for International Law. With a Foreword by Lord Solly Zuckerman (London: Macmillan Press - New York: St. Martin's Press), 1989, 630pp., ISBN 0-333-46483-4, £ 65.00.

Martin Geugis: Waffentechnik und das Konzept strategischer Stabilität. Eine Untersuchung am Beispiel der strategischen C3I-Systeme der USA [Weapons Technology and the Concept of Strategic Stability. A study on US Strategic C3I-Systems], AFES-PRESS Report No. 10 (out of print), 1989, 188pp., ISBN 3-926979-07-0, € 20.00 - $ 28.00 - SF 40.00.

Frank Nicolay: SDI-Raketenabwehrsysteme [SDI - Missile Defence Systems], AFES-PRESS Report No. 11 (out of print), 1989, ISBN 3-926979-08-9, € 20.00 - $ 28.00 - SF 40.00.

Ilse Rosenschild: Antisatellitenwaffen und Rüstungskontrolle [Antisatellite Weapons and Arms Control], AFES-PRESS Report No. 9, 1989, 134pp., ISBN 3-926979-06-2, € 15.00 - SF 30.00 - $ 21.00.

Rip Bulkeley - Hans Günter Brauch: The Anti-ballistic Missile Treaty and World Security, AFES-PRESS Report No. 14, 1988, 105 pp., ISBN 3-926979-00-3, € 8.00 - £ 3.95 - SF 15.00 - $10.00.

Hans Günter Brauch: Europäische Verteidigungsinitiative, AFES-PRESS Report No. 3 (out of print), 1988, ISBN 3-926979-02-X, € 10.00 - $ 14.00 - SF 20.00.

Hans Günter Brauch: Antitactical Missile Defense. Will the European Version of SDI Undermine the ABM Treaty? AFES-PRESS Report No. 1, 1988, 84pp., ISBN 3-926979-01-1, € 10.00 - SF 20.00 - $ 14.00.

Norbert Hannig: Verteidigen ohne zu bedrohen. Die DEWA - Konzeption als Ersatz der NATO-FOFA [Defending without Threatening. The DEWA Concept as a Substitute for NATO-FOFA], AFES-PRESS Report No. 5, 1988, 59pp., ISBN 3-926979-03-8, € 10.00 - SF 20.00 - $ 14.00.

Hans Günter Brauch (Ed.): Star Wars and European Defence. Implications for Europe: Perceptions and Assessments. With a Foreword by Denis Healey and a preface by Raymond L. Garthoff (London: Macmillan Press - New York: St. Martin's Press), 1987, 651 pp., ISBN 0-333-46483-4, £ 65.00

Hans Günter Brauch - Rainer Fischbach: Military Use of Outer Space. A Research Bibliography, AFES-PRESS Report No. 4 (out of print). 1987, € 15.00- $ 14.00 - SF 20.00.

Hans Günter Brauch - Rainer Fischbach: Militärische Nutzung des Weltraums. Eine Bibliographie, Series: Militärpolitik und Rüstungsbegrenzung, No. 8, 1988, ISBN 3-87061-373-8 (out of print).

Hans Günter Brauch: 30 Thesen und 10 Bewertungen zur Strategischen Verteidigungsinitiative (SDI) und zur Europäischen Verteidigungsinitiative (EVI), AFES-PRESS Report No. 2 (out of print), 1986, 1989, € 5.00 - SF 11.00.

Hans Günter Brauch: Angriff aus dem All. Der Rüstungswettlauf im Weltraum, Bonn: J.H.W. Dietz (out of print), Copies may be obtained from AFES-PRESS, 1984, 207 pp., ISBN 3-8012-0089-1, € 13.00 - $ 13.00.

Hans Günter Brauch (Ed.): Kernwaffen und Rüstungskontrolle. Ein interdisziplinäres Studienbuch. Mit einem Vorwort von Egon Bahr (Opladen: Westdeutscher Verlag (out of print), 1984, 511 pp., ISBN 3-531-11647-9, € 20.00 - $ 20.00.

Hans Günter Brauch (Ed.): Sicherheitspolitik am Ende? Eine Bestandsaufnahme, Perspektiven und neue Ansätze. Vorwort von Ulrich Lang (Gerlingen: Bleicher Verlag (out of print), 1984, 296 pp., ISBN 3-88350-010-0, € 10.00 - $ 10.00.

Hans Günter Brauch. Die Raketen kommen! Vom NATO-Doppelbeschluß bis zur Stationierung, Köln: Bund (out of print), Copies may be obtained only from AFES-PRESS, 1983, 360 pp., ISBN 3-7663-0829-7, € 13.00 - $ 13.00.

Hans Günter Brauch: Der chemische Alptraum - Oder gibt es einen C-Waffen-Krieg in Europa? Bonn: J.H.W. Dietz (out of print), Copies may be obtained from AFES-PRESS, 1982, 176 pp., ISBN 3-8012-0079-5, € 7.50 - $ 7.50.

Hans Günter Brauch - Alfred Schrempf: Giftgas in der Bundesrepublik. Chemische und biologische Waffen. Mit einem Vorwort von Julian P. Perry Robinson (Frankfurt: Fischer Taschenbuchverlag (out of print), Copies may be obtained only from AFES-PRESS, 1982, 320 pp., ISBN 3-596-24243-6, € 7.00 - $ 7.00

Arms Control and Disarmament

Hans Günter Brauch; Henk van de Graaf; John Grin; Wim Smit: Militärtechnikfolgenabschätzung und präventive Rüstungskontrolle. Institutionen, Verfahren und Instrumente. Frieden, Sicherheit, Umwelt, Klima und Energie, No. 11, 1997, ISBN 3-926979-65-8, € 35.00 - $ 35.00 - SF 70.00.

Hendrik Bullens (Ed.): Arms Industry at the Crossroads: Conversion, Restructuring and Arms Trade in Europe. IPRA Security and Disarmament Commission Paper 8, AFES-PRESS Report No. 62, 1997, 105pp., ISBN 3-926979-67-4, € 15.00 - $ 20.00 - SFr 30.00.

Hendrik Bullens, Seiitsu Tachibana (Eds.) with the assistance of Wayne Reynolds: Restructuring Security Concepts, Postures and Industrial Base. IPRA Security and Disarmament Commission Paper 9, AFES-PRESS Report No. 63, 1997, 255pp., ISBN 3-926979-68-2, € 29.00 - $ 38.00 - SF 58.00.

Dieter Geissler: Amerikanisch-sowjetische Beziehungen in der Bush-Administration 1989-1991. Perzeption, Reaktion oder Innovation [American-Soviet Relations in the Bush Administration 1989-1991 Perception, Reaction or Innovation], AFES-PRESS Report No. 60., 1996, ISBN 3-926979-64-X, € 20.00- $ 28.00 - SF 40.00.

Seiitsu Tachibana (Ed.): Regional Security and Nonproliferation. IPRA Defense and Disarmament Study Group Paper 7 [Regionale Sicherheit und Nichtweitergabe von Atomwaffen], AFES-PRESS Report No. 57, 1995, 137pp., ISBN 3-926979-61-5, € 23.00 - $ 33.00 - SF 45.00.

Hans Günter Brauch - Robert Kennedy (Eds.): Alternative Conventional Defense Postures in the European Theater, Volume 3: Force Posture Alternatives for Europe After the Cold War. With a Foreword by Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker, physicist and philosopher, and Paul C. Warnke, former director, US Arms Control and Disarmament Agency (New York - Bristol, PA - Washington, DC, London: A member of the Taylor & Francis Group) 1993, 336 pp., ISBN 0-8448-1728-7, $ 54.50 - £ 39.00.

Hans Günter Brauch (Ed.): Confidence-Building, Verification and Conversion. Contributions to the First Pan-European Conference on International Relations in Heidelberg, September 1992, AFES-PRESS Report No. 39, 1993, 84pp., ISBN 3-926979-51-8, € 15.00 - $ 20.00 - SF 30.00.

Wim K. Meijer: Costs of Multinational Verification Organizations in Europe. NATO, WEU and CSCE [Kosten der Multilateralen Verifikationsorganisationen in Europa, NATO, WEU und KSZE], AFES-PRESS Report No. 19, 1993, 124pp., ISBN 3-926979-47-X , € 15.00 - SF 30.00 - $ 21.00.

Czeslaw Mesjasz (Ed.): Security and Disarmament in North-East Asia. IPRA Defense and Disarmament Study Group Paper 6 [Sicherheit und Abrüstung in Nordost Asien], AFES-PRESS Report No. 48, 1993, 63pp., ISBN 3-926979-50-X, € 15.00 - $ 20.00 - SF 30.00.

Czeslaw Mesjasz (Ed.): Security Challenges after the Cold War. IPRA Defense and Disarmament Study Group Paper 5 [Sicherheitspolitische Herausforderungen nach dem Kalten Krieg], AFES-PRESS Report No. 46, 1994, 107pp., ISBN 3-926979-49-6, € 20.00 - $ 25.00 - SF 40.00.

Hans Günter Brauch (Ed.): Controlling Military Research and Development and Exports of Dual Use Technologies as a Problem of Disarmament and Arms Control Policy in the 1990s. The Results of the Seventh AFES-PRESS Conference. Abstracts and Discussions, AFES-PRESS Report No. 45, 1992, 230pp., ISBN 3-926979-44-5, € 20.00 - $ 28.00 - SF 40.00.

Hans Günter Brauch, Henny J. van der Graaf, John Grin, Wim A. Smit (Eds.): Controlling the Development and Spread of Military Technology. Lessons from the Past and Challenges for the 1990s (Amsterdam: VU University Press, 1992).
Hans Günter Brauch - Gerd Neuwirth (Eds.): Confidence and Security Building Measures in Europe II. From Vienna 1990 to Vienna 1992, AFES-PRESS Report No. 28, 1992, 90pp., ISBN 3-926979-45-3, € 15.00 - SF 30.00 - $ 21.00.

Hans Günter Brauch (Ed.): Evaluation of ATBM Defense, AFES-PRESS Report No. 27, 1992, 101 pp., ISBN 3-926979-19-4, € 15.00 - SF 30.00 - $ 21.00.
Hans Günter Brauch - Gerd Neuwirth (Eds.): Confidence and Security Building Measures in Europe. From the Stockholm to the Vienna Document, AFES-PRESS Report No. 24 (out of print), 1992, 100 pp., ISBN 3-926979-42-9, € 15.00 - $ 21.00 - SF 30.00.

Gerd Neuwirth: Die Entwicklung der Vertrauens- und Sicherheitsbildenden Maßnahmen. Vom Stockholmer zum Wiener Dokument (1986-1990) [The development of Confidence and Security Building Measures. From the Stockholm to the Vienna Document (1986-1990)], AFES-PRESS Report No. 12, 1992, 205pp., ISBN 3-926979-40-2, € 25.00 - $ 35.00 - SF 50.00.

Hans Günter Brauch (Ed.): Weapons Technology, Disarmament and Verification, IPRA Defense and Disarmament Study Group Paper 1, AFES-PRESS Report No. 41, 1991, 141pp., ISBN 3-926979-36-4, € 15.00 - $ 20.00 - SF 30.00.

Marc Weißgerber: Der Abzug der amerikanischen Truppen aus Rheinland-Pfalz. Probleme einer regionalen Konversion [Withdrawal of American Troops from Rhineland -Palatinate. Problems of a Regional Conversion], AFES-PRESS Report No. 6 (out of print), 1991, ISBN 3-926979-35-6, € 15.00 - SF 20 - $ 14.00.

Hans Günter Brauch (Ed.): Verification and Arms Control. Implications for European Security. Part II: Selected Papers, AFES-PRESS Report No. 36, 1990, 214 pp. ISBN 3-926979-29-1, € 20.00 - $ 24.00 - SF 40.00.

Hans Günter Brauch (Ed.): Verification and Arms Control - Implications for European Security. Part I: Abstracts and Discussions, AFES-PRESS Report No. 35, 1990, 224 pp. ISBN 3-926979-28-3, € 15.00- $ 18.00 - SF 30.00.

Malcolm Chalmers: Reciprocal Unilateralism as a Complement to CFE. Two Studies [Reziproker Unilateralismus als Ergänzung zur KFE. Zwei Studien], AFES-PRESS Report No. 37 (out of print), 1990, 72pp., ISBN 3-926979-30-5, € 10.00 - $ 14.00 - SF 20.00.

Herbert Beck: Verifying the Projected Chemical Weapons Convention, A Cost Analysis [Verifikation der geplanten Konvention zum Verbot der Chemischen Waffen], AFES-PRESS Report No. 13, 1989, 107pp., ISBN 3-926979-10-0, € 15.00- $ 21.00 - SF 30.00

Hans Günter Brauch: Chemical Warfare and Chemical Arms Control, AFES-PRESS Report No. 34, 1989, 62pp., ISBN 3-926979-26-7, € 12.00 - SF 25.00 - $ 10.00.

Hans Günter Brauch (Ed.): Military Doctrine and Arms Control. Selected presentations and Statements at the 5th AFES-PRESS Conference, AFES-PRESS Report No. 29, 1989, 118pp., ISBN 3-926979-24-0, € 13.00 - $ 18.00 - SF 25.00.

Hans Günter Brauch (Ed.): Military Technology, Armaments Dynamics and Disarmament. ABC Weapons, Military use of Nuclear Energy and of Outer Space and Implications for International Law. With a Foreword by Lord Solly Zuckerman (London: Macmillan Press - New York: St. Martin's Press), 1989, 630pp., ISBN 0-333-46483-4, £ 65.00.

Ralph Ströber-Fassbender: Die Studiengruppe Alternative Sicherheitspolitik und das Konzept der vertrauensbildenden Verteidigung [The Study Group on Alternative Security Policy and the Concept of Confidence Building Defence], AFES-PRESS Report No. 26 (out of print), 1989, ISBN 3-926979-16-X, € 10.00 - SF 20.00.

Rip Bulkeley - Hans Günter Brauch: The Anti-ballistic Missile Treaty and World Security, AFES-PRESS Report No. 14, 1988, 105 pp., ISBN 3-926979-00-3, € 8.00 - £ 3.95 - SF 15.00 - $10.00.

Hans Günter Brauch (Ed.): Star Wars and European Defence. Implications for Europe: Perceptions and Assessments. With a Foreword by Denis Healey and a preface by Raymond L. Garthoff (London: Macmillan Press - New York: St. Martin's Press), 1987, 651 pp., ISBN 0-333-46483-4, £ 65.00.

Hans Günter Brauch (Ed.): Vertrauensbildende Maßnahmen und Europäische Abrüstungskonferenz Analysen, Dokumente und Vorschläge (Gerlingen: Bleicher, 1986), 1986, 584pp., ISBN 3-88350-270-7; DM 78.00 (out of print).

Hans Günter Brauch - Rolf-Dieter Müller (Eds.): Chemische Kriegführung - Chemische Abrüstung. Dokumente und Kommentare. Mit einem Vorwort von Prof. Dr. Adolf-Henning Frucht, Militärpolitik und Rüstungsbegrenzung, Band 1, Berlin: Berlin Verlag Arno Spitz (out of print), 1985, 384 pp., ISBN 3-87061-265-7.

Hans Günter Brauch: Angriff aus dem All. Der Rüstungswettlauf im Weltraum, Bonn: J.H.W. Dietz (out of print), Copies may be obtained from AFES-PRESS, 1984, 207 pp., ISBN 3-8012-0089-1, € 13.00 - $ 13.00.

Hans Günter Brauch (Ed.): Kernwaffen und Rüstungskontrolle. Ein interdisziplinäres Studienbuch. Mit einem Vorwort von Egon Bahr (Opladen: Westdeutscher Verlag (out of print), 1984, 511 pp., ISBN 3-531-11647-9, € 20.00 - $ 20.00.

Hans Günter Brauch (Ed.): Sicherheitspolitik am Ende? Eine Bestandsaufnahme, Perspektiven und neue Ansätze. Vorwort von Ulrich Lang (Gerlingen: Bleicher Verlag (out of print), 1984, 296 pp., ISBN 3-88350-010-0, € 10.00 - $ 10.00.

Hans Günter Brauch - Duncan L. Clarke (Eds.): Decisionmaking for Arms Limitation. Assessments and Prospects. With a Foreword by Paul C. Warnke , former director, US Arms Control and Disarmament Agency (Cambridge, Mass., USA: Ballinger Publishing Company), 1983, 364 pp., ISBN 0-88410-864-3, $ 35.00.

Hans Günter Brauch. Die Raketen kommen! Vom NATO-Doppelbeschluß bis zur Stationierung, Köln: Bund (out of print), Copies may be obtained only from AFES-PRESS, 1983, 360 pp., ISBN 3-7663-0829-7, € 13.00 - $ 13.00.

Hans Günter Brauch: Der chemische Alptraum - Oder gibt es einen C-Waffen-Krieg in Europa? Bonn: J.H.W. Dietz (out of print), Copies may be obtained from AFES-PRESS, 1982, 176 pp., ISBN 3-8012-0079-5, € 7.50 - $ 7.50.

Hans Günter Brauch - Alfred Schrempf: Giftgas in der Bundesrepublik. Chemische und biologische Waffen. Mit einem Vorwort von Julian P. Perry Robinson (Frankfurt: Fischer Taschenbuchverlag (out of print), Copies may be obtained only from AFES-PRESS, 1982, 320 pp., ISBN 3-596-24243-6, € 7.00 - $ 7.00.

Hans Günter Brauch: Abrüstungsamt oder Ministerium? Ausländische Modelle der Abrüstungsplanung. Materialien und Reformvorschläge (Frankfurt on Main: Haag+Herchen (on stock), 1981, 432 pp., ISBN 3-88129-362-0, € 30.00 - $ 30.00

Climate Policy

Hans Günter Brauch: Klimapolitik der Schwellenstaaten: Südkorea, Mexiko, Brasilien, AFES-PRESS Studie für das Umweltbundesamt, AFES-PRESS Report No. 66, Mosbach: AFES-PRESS, 1998, 344 pp., ISBN 3-926979-70-4, € 35.00 - $ 42.00 - SFr 68.00.

Hans Günter Brauch: Klimapolitik. Naturwissenschaftliche Grundlagen, internationale Regimebildung und Konflikte, ökonomische Analysen sowie nationale Problemerkennung und Politikimplementation, 1996, ISBN 3-540-60513-4, € 51.08 - DM 99.90.

Energy Policy (including renewables)

Antonio Marquina and Hans Günter Brauch (Eds.): Political Stability and Energy Cooperation in the Mediterranean, Collection STRADEMED, No. 10 (Madrid: UNISCI - Mosbach: AFES-PRESS, September 2000, ISBN: 3-926979-91-7, 320 pp., € 40.00 - US $ 40.00 - £ 28 - SFr 75.

Gerhard Knies, Gregor Czisch, Hans Günter Brauch (Eds.): Regenerativer Strom für Europa durch Fernübertragung elektrischer Energie, Energy Studies No. 1, AFES-PRESS Report No. 67 1999, ISBN 3-926979-71-2 € 35.00 - $ 40.00 - SFr 68.00.

Hans Günter Brauch (Ed.): Energiepolitik. Technische Entwicklung, politische Strategien, Handlungskonzepte zu erneuerbaren Energien und zur rationellen Energienutzung, 1997, ISBN 3-926979-65-8, € 86.87 - DM 169.90.

Hans Günter Brauch. Energy Policy in North Africa (1950-2050). From Hydrocarbons to Renewables, UNISCI Paper 11-12 (Madrid: UNISCI, 1997) ISBN 84-920440-6-3, € 76.00 - SF 148.00 - $ 70.00.

European Union Policy Issues

Kai Fischer: Britische Europapolitik Von Margaret Thatcher zu John Major [British Policy on the European Union. From Margaret Thatcher to John Major], AFES-PRESS Report No. 59, 1996, 99 pp., ISBN 3-926979-63-1, € 15.00 - $ 22.00 - SF 30.00.

Sylvia Schumer: Die EU als Akteur in der internationalen Umweltpolitik. Beispiel Ozon- und Klimaregime [The European Union as an International Actor The Examples of the Ozone and Climate Regimes], AFES-PRESS Report No. 55 (out of print), 1995, ISBN 3-926979-59-3.

Annegret Kaiser: Dänemark und die Europäische Politische Union (1972-1993). Innenpolitische Kontroversen vom Beitritt bis zum Vertrag von Maastricht [Denmark and the European Political Domestic Controversies from the Accession until the Treaty of Maastricht], AFES-PRESS Report No. 53, 1994, 100pp., ISBN 3-926979-57-7, € 15.00 - $ 20.00 - SF 30.00.

Antonio Marquina, Hans Günter Brauch (Eds.): Confidence Building and Partnership in the Western Mediterranean. Tasks for Preventive Diplomacy and Conflict Avoidance, AFES-PRESS Report No. 51, 1994, 331 pp., ISBN 3-926979-54-2, € 35.00 - $ 42.00 - SF 68.00.

European security policy issues (including the EU, NATO, OSCE)

Antonio Marquina and Hans Günter Brauch (Eds.): Political Stability and Energy Cooperation in the Mediterranean, Collection STRADEMED, No. 10 (Madrid: UNISCI - Mosbach: AFES-PRESS, September 2000, ISBN: 3-926979-91-7, 320 pp., € 40.00 - US $ 40.00 - £ 28 - SFr 75.

Hans Günter Brauch, Antonio Marquina, Abdelwahab Biad (Eds.): Euro-Mediterranean Partnership for the 21st Century, Collection STRADEMED, No. 8, June 2000, 504 pp, Hardback £55.00, November 2001, 2nd Edition, 504 pp., Hardback £60.00.

Markus Gögele: Sicherheitspolitische Stabilisierung der baltischen Staaten. Zusammenarbeit mit NATO und Europäische Union [Security Stabilisation of the Baltic States. Cooperation with NATO and the European Union], AFES-PRESS Report No. 61, 1997, 81pp., ISBN 3-926979-65-8, € 15.00 - $ 22.00 - SF 30.00.

Andreas Maurer: Die Sozialistische Partei Frankreichs und die Sicherheit Europas [The Socialist Party of France and European Security], AFES-PRESS Report No. 21, 1993, 142pp., ISBN 3-926979-46-1, € 24.00 - $ 30.00 - SF 48.00.

Wim K. Meijer: Costs of Multinational Verification Organizations in Europe. NATO, WEU and CSCE [Kosten der Multilateralen Verifikationsorganisationen in Europa, NATO, WEU und KSZE], AFES-PRESS Report No. 19, 1993, 124pp., ISBN 3-926979-47-X , € 15.00 - SF 30.00 - $ 21.00.

Czeslaw Mesjasz (Ed.): Security Challenges after the Cold War. IPRA Defense and Disarmament Study Group Paper 5 [Sicherheitspolitische Herausforderungen nach dem Kalten Krieg], AFES-PRESS Report No. 46, 1994, 107pp., ISBN 3-926979-49-6, € 20.00 - $ 25.00 - SF 40.00.

Hans Günter Brauch - Robert Kennedy (Eds.): Alternative Conventional Defense Postures in the European Theater, Volume 3: Force Posture Alternatives for Europe After the Cold War. With a Foreword by Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker, physicist and philosopher, and Paul C. Warnke, former director, US Arms Control and Disarmament Agency (New York - Bristol, PA - Washington, DC, London: A member of the Taylor & Francis Group) 1993, 336 pp., ISBN 0-8448-1728-7, $ 54.50 - £ 39.00.

Hans Günter Brauch - Robert Kennedy (Eds.): Alternative Conventional Defense Postures in the European Theater, Volume 2: The Impact of Political Change on Strategy, Technology, and Arms Control. With a Foreword by General Wolfgang Altenburg, former Chairman of the NATO Military Committee (New York - Bristol, PA - Washington, DC, London: A member of the Taylor & Francis Group), 1992, 300 pp., ISBN 0-8448-1600-0, $ 45.00 - £ 35.00.

Hans Günter Brauch (Ed.): Controlling Military Research and Development and Exports of Dual Use Technologies as a Problem of Disarmament and Arms Control Policy in the 1990s. The Results of the Seventh AFES-PRESS Conference. Abstracts and Discussions, AFES-PRESS Report No. 45, 1992, 230pp., ISBN 3-926979-44-5, € 20.00 - $ 28.00 - SF 40.00.

Hans Günter Brauch, Henny J. van der Graaf, John Grin, Wim A. Smit (Eds.): Controlling the Development and Spread of Military Technology. Lessons from the Past and Challenges for the 1990s (Amsterdam: VU University Press, 1992).

Hans Günter Brauch - Gerd Neuwirth (Eds.): Confidence and Security Building Measures in Europe II. From Vienna 1990 to Vienna 1992, AFES-PRESS Report No. 28, 1992, 90pp., ISBN 3-926979-45-3, € 15.00 - SF 30.00 - $ 21.00.

Hans Günter Brauch - Gerd Neuwirth (Eds.): Confidence and Security Building Measures in Europe. From the Stockholm to the Vienna Document, AFES-PRESS Report No. 24 (out of print), 1992, 100 pp., ISBN 3-926979-42-9, € 15.00 - $ 21.00 - SF 30.00.

Gerd Neuwirth: Die Entwicklung der Vertrauens- und Sicherheitsbildenden Maßnahmen. Vom Stockholmer zum Wiener Dokument (1986-1990) [The development of Confidence and Security Building Measures. From the Stockholm to the Vienna Document (1986-1990)], AFES-PRESS Report No. 12, 1992, 205pp., ISBN 3-926979-40-2, € 25.00 - $ 35.00 - SF 50.00.

Hans Günter Brauch (Ed.): Institutionelle Bausteine einer gesamteuropäischen Sicherheitsar- chitektur, AFES-PRESS Report No. 23 (out of print), 1991, 121pp., ISBN 3-926979-43-7, € 15.00 - SF 30.00 - $ 21.00.

Hans Günter Brauch: The New Europe and Non-Offensive Defense Concepts. Implications for Military Force Planning of United Germany, AFES-PRESS Report No. 15 (out of print), 1991, 106pp., ISBN 3-926979-41-0, € 15.00 - SF 30.00 - $ 21.00.

Karen Feste (Ed.): Regional Security Issues, IPRA Defense and Disarmament Study Group Paper 4 [Regionale Sicherheitsfragen], AFES-PRESS Report No. 44, 1991, ISBN 3-926979-39-9, € 15.00 - $ 20.00 - SF 30.00.

Czslaw Mesjasz (Ed.): Political Stability and European Developments, IPRA Defense and Disarmament Study Group Paper 3 [Politische Stabilität und Europäische Entwicklungen], AFES-PRESS Report No. 43, 1991, 45 pp., ISBN 3-926979-38-0, € 10.00 - SF 20.00 - $ 14.00.

Bjørn Møller (Ed.): European Security Structures for the Nineties and Beyond. A Nordic Perspective [Europäische Sicherheitsstrukturen für die 1990er Jahre und darüber hinaus: Eine nordische Perspektive], AFES-PRESS Report No. 40, 1991, 39pp., ISBN 3-926979-33-X, € 10.00 - $ 14.00- SF 20.00.

Horst Afheldt, Hans Günter Brauch, Malcolm Chalmers, Jonathan Dean (Eds.): German Unity and the Future European Order of Peace and Security, AFES-PRESS Report No. 38 (out of print), 1990, 170pp., ISBN 3-926979-31-3, € 15.00 - SF 30.00 - $ 20.00.

Hans Günter Brauch (Ed.): Verification and Arms Control. Implications for European Security. Part II: Selected Papers, AFES-PRESS Report No. 36, 1990, 214 pp. ISBN 3-926979-29-1, € 20.00 - $ 24.00 - SF 40.00.

Hans Günter Brauch (Ed.): Verification and Arms Control - Implications for European Security. Part I: Abstracts and Discussions, AFES-PRESS Report No. 35, 1990, 224 pp. ISBN 3-926979-28-3, € 15.00- $ 18.00 - SF 30.00.

Hans Günter Brauch - Robert Kennedy (Eds.): Alternative Conventional Defense Postures in the European Theater. Volume 1: The Military Balance and Domestic Constraints. With a Foreword by General Andrew J. Goodpaster (New York - Bristol, PA - Washington, DC, London: A member of the Taylor & Francis Group), 1990, 220 pp., ISBN 0-8448-1598-5, $ 45.00 - £ 32.00.

Malcolm Chalmers - Lutz Unterseher: Is There a Tank Gap? A Comparative Assessment of the Tank Fleets of NATO and the Warsaw Pact, With a German preface by Hermann Scheer, MdB [Gibt es eine Panzerlücke? Eine vergleichende Bewertung der Panzer der NATO und des Warschauer Paktes. Mit einem deutschen Vorwort Hermann Scheer, MdB], AFES-PRESS Report No. 20, 1990, 85pp., ISBN 3-926979-12-7, € 10.00- $ 14.00 - SF 20.00.

John Grin: Options for the Communication System of NATO's Land Forces. Optionen für das Kommunikationssystem der Landstreitkräfte der NATO, AFES-PRESS Report No. 31, 1990, 78pp., ISBN 3-926979-22-4, € 10.00 - $ 14.00 - SF 20.00.

Sjef Orbons: A Classification and Evaluation of Concepts for the Defense of NATO's Central Sector [Klassifizierung und Bewertung von Konzepten der Verteidigung in NATO's Kernsektor], AFES-PRESS Report No. 33, 1989, 74pp., ISBN 3-926979-25-9, € 10.00 - $ 14.00 - SF 20.00.

Hans Günter Brauch (Ed.): Vertrauensbildende Maßnahmen und Europäische Abrüstungskonferenz Analysen, Dokumente und Vorschläge (Gerlingen: Bleicher, 1986), 1986, 584pp., ISBN 3-88350-270-7; DM 78.00 (out of print).

Hans Günter Brauch (Ed.): Sicherheitspolitik am Ende? Eine Bestandsaufnahme, Perspektiven und neue Ansätze. Vorwort von Ulrich Lang (Gerlingen: Bleicher Verlag (out of print), 1984, 296 pp., ISBN 3-88350-010-0, € 10.00 - $ 10.00.

Hans Günter Brauch. Die Raketen kommen! Vom NATO-Doppelbeschluß bis zur Stationierung, Köln: Bund (out of print), Copies may be obtained only from AFES-PRESS, 1983, 360 pp., ISBN 3-7663-0829-7, € 13.00 - $ 13.00.

Hans Günter Brauch: Perspektiven einer Europäischen Friedensordnung. Mit einen Vorwort von Rolf Linkohr, MdEP, Berlin: Berlin Verlag Arno Spitz (out of print), 1983, 94 pp., ISBN 3-87061-267-3.

Environmental Policy Issues (biodiversity, seas, forests)

Antonio Marquina and Hans Günter Brauch (Eds.): The Mediterranean Space and its Borders. Geography, Politics, Economics and Environment. Collection STRADEMED, No. 14 (Madrid: UNISCI - Mosbach: AFES-PRESS), September 2001, ISBN: 3-926979-92-5, 320 pp., € 40.00 - US $38.00 - £ 28.00 - SFr 75.00.

Antonio Marquina and Hans Günter Brauch (Eds.): Political Stability and Energy Cooperation in the Mediterranean, Collection STRADEMED, No. 10 (Madrid: UNISCI - Mosbach: AFES-PRESS, September 2000, ISBN: 3-926979-91-7, 320 pp., € 40.00 - US $ 40.00 - £ 28 - SFr 75.

Hans Günter Brauch: Klimapolitik der Schwellenstaaten: Südkorea, Mexiko, Brasilien, AFES-PRESS Studie für das Umweltbundesamt, AFES-PRESS Report No. 66, Mosbach: AFES-PRESS, 1998, 344 pp., ISBN 3-926979-70-4, € 35.00 - $ 42.00 - SFr 68.00.

Antonio Marquina (Ed.): Mutual Perceptions in the Mediterranean.Unity and Diversity. Perceptions mutuelles dans la Méditerrané. Unité et Diversité. Collection STRADEMED, No. 6 (Madrid: UNISCI - Paris: Publisud - Mosbach: AFES-PRESS), 1998, 320 pp., ISBN 3-926979-90-9, € 35.00 - 25.00 £ - US$ 35.00 - SFr 68.00.

Dirk Amtsberg: Biodiversität und Wälder. Voraussetzungen und Restriktionen globaler Umweltpolitik [Biodiversity and Forests. Preconditions and Restrictions of Global Environment Policy], AFES-PRESS Report No. 64, 1997, 116pp., ISBN 3-926979-66-6, € 15.00 - $ 20.00- SF 30.00.

Hans Günter Brauch: Klimapolitik. Naturwissenschaftliche Grundlagen, internationale Regimebildung und Konflikte, ökonomische Analysen sowie nationale Problemerkennung und Politikimplementation, 1996, ISBN 3-540-60513-4, € 51.08 - DM 99.90.

Thilo Maurer: Die Umweltaußenpolitik der USA. Rahmenbedingungen, Entwicklungen, Erklärungsansätze [The Environmental Foreign Policy of the USA. Frameworks, Developments, Approaches], AFES-PRESS Report No. 56, 1995, 106pp., ISBN 3-926979-60-7, € 15.00 - $ 22.00 - SF 30.00.

Sylvia Schumer: Die EU als Akteur in der internationalen Umweltpolitik. Beispiel Ozon- und Klimaregime [The European Union as an International Actor The Examples of the Ozone and Climate Regimes], AFES-PRESS Report No. 55 (out of print), 1995, ISBN 3-926979-59-3.

Tanja Brühl: Verlust der biologischen Vielfalt. Ein neues Problem der internationalen Beziehungen [The Loss of Biological Biodiversity. A New Problem of International Relations], AFES-PRESS Report No. 54, 1995, 106pp., ISBN 3-926979-58-5, € 15.00 - $ 22.00 - SF 30.00.

Uwe J. Reinhardt: Meeresumweltpolitik. Internationale und europäische Umweltpolitik und die Rolle von UN und EG im Mittelmeer [Environmental Policy of the Seas. International and European Environmental Policy and the Role of the UN and EC in the Mediterranean], AFES-PRESS Report No. 25, 1989, 188pp., ISBN 3-926979-17-8, € 20.00 - SF 40.00 - $ 28.00.

Foreign, security and environment policy of EU Countries

Kai Fischer: Britische Europapolitik Von Margaret Thatcher zu John Major [British Policy on the European Union. From Margaret Thatcher to John Major], AFES-PRESS Report No. 59, 1996, 99 pp., ISBN 3-926979-63-1, € 15.00 - $ 22.00 - SF 30.00.

Andreas Maurer: Die Sozialistische Partei Frankreichs und die Sicherheit Europas [The Socialist Party of France and European Security], AFES-PRESS Report No. 21, 1993, 142pp., ISBN 3-926979-46-1, € 24.00 - $ 30.00 - SF 48.00.

Malcolm Chalmers, David Stevenson, Bjørn Møller: Alternative Conventional Defense Struc tures for Europe. British and Danish Perspectives, AFES-PRESS Report No. 22 (out of print), 1992, 94pp., ISBN 3-926979-20-8, € 15.00 - SF 30.00 - $ 21.00.

Silke B. Szichta: Island im Spannungsfeld zwischen Einbringung seiner Lage als politisches Faustpfand und seiner Fischereipolitik [Iceland: Its Geographic Position as a Political Bargaining Chip and Its Fishing Policy], AFES-PRESS Report No. 18, 1989, 136pp., ISBN 3-926979-34-8, € 15.00 - $ 21.00 - 30.00 SF.

Dagmar Trefz: Deutsch-französische Verteidigungskooperation. Chancen und Handlungsspielräume [German-French Defence Cooperation Opportunities and Scope for Action], AFES-PRESS Report No. 17, 1989, ISBN 3-926979-15-1, € 18.00 - SF 36.00 - $ 25.00

Judith Zahn: Frankreichs Verteidigungspolitik [Defence Policy of France], AFES-PRESS Report No. 7 (out of print), 1988, ISBN 3-926979-04-6, € 15.00 - SF 30.00 - $ 21.00.

Foreign, Security and Environment Policy of Russia, China, Japan

Dieter Geissler: Amerikanisch-sowjetische Beziehungen in der Bush-Administration 1989-1991. Perzeption, Reaktion oder Innovation [American-Soviet Relations in the Bush Administration 1989-1991 Perception, Reaction or Innovation], AFES-PRESS Report No. 60., 1996, ISBN 3-926979-64-X, € 20.00- $ 28.00 - SF 40.00.

Seiitsu Tachibana (Ed.): Regional Security and Nonproliferation. IPRA Defense and Disarmament Study Group Paper 7 [Regionale Sicherheit und Nichtweitergabe von Atomwaffen], AFES-PRESS Report No. 57, 1995, 137pp., ISBN 3-926979-61-5, € 23.00 - $ 33.00 - SF 45.00.

Czeslaw Mesjasz (Ed.): Security and Disarmament in North-East Asia. IPRA Defense and Disarmament Study Group Paper 6 [Sicherheit und Abrüstung in Nordost Asien], AFES-PRESS Report No. 48, 1993, 63pp., ISBN 3-926979-50-X, € 15.00 - $ 20.00 - SF 30.00.

Hans Günter Brauch, Henny J. van der Graaf, John Grin, Wim A. Smit (Eds.): Controlling the Development and Spread of Military Technology. Lessons from the Past and Challenges for the 1990s (Amsterdam: VU University Press, 1992).

Hans Günter Brauch: Abrüstungsamt oder Ministerium? Ausländische Modelle der Abrüstungsplanung. Materialien und Reformvorschläge (Frankfurt on Main: Haag+Herchen (on stock), 1981, 432 pp., ISBN 3-88129-362-0, € 30.00 - $ 30.00.

Foreign, security and environment policy of the USA

Dieter Geissler: Amerikanisch-sowjetische Beziehungen in der Bush-Administration 1989-1991. Perzeption, Reaktion oder Innovation [American-Soviet Relations in the Bush Administration 1989-1991 Perception, Reaction or Innovation], AFES-PRESS Report No. 60., 1996, ISBN 3-926979-64-X, € 20.00- $ 28.00 - SF 40.00.

Thilo Maurer: Die Umweltaußenpolitik der USA. Rahmenbedingungen, Entwicklungen, Erklärungsansätze [The Environmental Foreign Policy of the USA. Frameworks, Developments, Approaches], AFES-PRESS Report No. 56, 1995, 106pp., ISBN 3-926979-60-7, € 15.00 - $ 22.00 - SF 30.00.

Christoph M. Kunkel: Amerikanische Außenpolitik in den 90er Jahren. Hegemonialer Abstieg oder neue Weltführungsrolle? [American Foreign Policy in the 1990s. Hegemonial Decline or a New World Power Role], AFES-PRESS Report No. 49, 1994, 150pp., ISBN 3-926979-52-6, € 22.00 - $ 30.00- SF 45.00.

Jürgen Mechler: Das amerikanische Binärwaffenprogramm. Chemische Waffen: Technologie und Politik [The American Binary Weapon Programme Chemical Weapons: Technology and Politics], AFES-PRESS Report No. 52, 1994, 85pp., ISBN 3-926979-56-9, € 15.00 - $ 20.00- SF 30.00.

Hans Günter Brauch (Ed.): Controlling Military Research and Development and Exports of Dual Use Technologies as a Problem of Disarmament and Arms Control Policy in the 1990s. The Results of the Seventh AFES-PRESS Conference. Abstracts and Discussions, AFES-PRESS Report No. 45, 1992, 230pp., ISBN 3-926979-44-5, € 20.00 - $ 28.00 - SF 40.00.

Hans Günter Brauch, Henny J. van der Graaf, John Grin, Wim A. Smit (Eds.): Controlling the Development and Spread of Military Technology. Lessons from the Past and Challenges for the 1990s (Amsterdam: VU University Press, 1992).

Hans Günter Brauch (Ed.): Evaluation of ATBM Defense, AFES-PRESS Report No. 27, 1992, 101 pp., ISBN 3-926979-19-4, € 15.00 - SF 30.00 - $ 21.00.

Hans Günter Brauch - Robert Kennedy (Eds.): Alternative Conventional Defense Postures in the European Theater. Volume 1: The Military Balance and Domestic Constraints. With a Foreword by General Andrew J. Goodpaster (New York - Bristol, PA - Washington, DC, London: A member of the Taylor & Francis Group), 1990, 220 pp., ISBN 0-8448-1598-5, $ 45.00 - £ 32.00.

Hans Günter Brauch: Abrüstungsamt oder Ministerium? Ausländische Modelle der Abrüstungsplanung. Materialien und Reformvorschläge (Frankfurt on Main: Haag+Herchen (on stock), 1981, 432 pp., ISBN 3-88129-362-0, € 30.00 - $ 30.00.

Hans Günter Brauch: Struktureller Wandel und Rüstungspolitik der USA (1940-1950). Zur Weltführungsrolle und ihren innenpolitischen Bedingungen, Inaugural Dissertation zur Erlangung des Doktorgrades der Philosophie der Ruprecht-Karl Universität zu Heidelberg (Ann Arbor - London: University Microfilms International, 1976) 1863 pp.; 3 volumes (softcover), € 100.00, 1976, 1863 pp.; 3 volumes (hardcover), € 120.00.

German Foreign and Defence Policy

Horst Afheldt, Hans Günter Brauch, Malcolm Chalmers, Jonathan Dean (Eds.): German Unity and the Future European Order of Peace and Security, AFES-PRESS Report No. 38 (out of print), 1990, 170pp., ISBN 3-926979-31-3, € 15.00 - SF 30.00 - $ 20.00.

Hans Günter Brauch - Robert Kennedy (Eds.): Alternative Conventional Defense Postures in the European Theater. Volume 1: The Military Balance and Domestic Constraints. With a Foreword by General Andrew J. Goodpaster (New York - Bristol, PA - Washington, DC, London: A member of the Taylor & Francis Group), 1990, 220 pp., ISBN 0-8448-1598-5, $ 45.00 - £ 32.00.

Dagmar Trefz: Deutsch-französische Verteidigungskooperation. Chancen und Handlungsspielräume [German-French Defence Cooperation Opportunities and Scope for Action], AFES-PRESS Report No. 17, 1989, ISBN 3-926979-15-1, € 18.00 - SF 36.00 - $ 25.00.

Hans Günter Brauch: Abrüstungsamt oder Ministerium? Ausländische Modelle der Abrüstungsplanung. Materialien und Reformvorschläge (Frankfurt on Main: Haag+Herchen (on stock), 1981, 432 pp., ISBN 3-88129-362-0, € 30.00 - $ 30.00.

International Organisations (global and regional system)

Antonio Marquina and Hans Günter Brauch (Eds.): The Mediterranean Space and its Borders. Geography, Politics, Economics and Environment. Collection STRADEMED, No. 14 (Madrid: UNISCI - Mosbach: AFES-PRESS), September 2001, ISBN: 3-926979-92-5, 320 pp., € 40.00 - US $38.00 - £ 28.00 - SFr 75.00.

Hans Günter Brauch, Antonio Marquina, Abdelwahab Biad (Eds.): Euro-Mediterranean Partnership for the 21st Century, Collection STRADEMED, No. 8, June 2000, 504 pp, Hardback £55.00, November 2001, 2nd Edition, 504 pp., Hardback £60.00.

Hans Günter Brauch: Klimapolitik der Schwellenstaaten: Südkorea, Mexiko, Brasilien, AFES-PRESS Studie für das Umweltbundesamt, AFES-PRESS Report No. 66, Mosbach: AFES-PRESS, 1998, 344 pp., ISBN 3-926979-70-4, € 35.00 - $ 42.00 - SFr 68.00.

Dirk Amtsberg: Biodiversität und Wälder. Voraussetzungen und Restriktionen globaler Umweltpolitik [Biodiversity and Forests. Preconditions and Restrictions of Global Environment Policy], AFES-PRESS Report No. 64, 1997, 116pp., ISBN 3-926979-66-6, € 15.00 - $ 20.00- SF 30.00.

Hans Günter Brauch: Klimapolitik. Naturwissenschaftliche Grundlagen, internationale Regimebildung und Konflikte, ökonomische Analysen sowie nationale Problemerkennung und Politikimplementation, 1996, ISBN 3-540-60513-4, € 51.08 - DM 99.90.

Andrea Liese: Friedenskonsolidierung bei internen Konflikten. Die Rolle der Vereinten Nationen in Kambodscha [Post-conflict Peace Building in Internal Conflicts. The Role of the United Nations in Cambodia], AFES-PRESS Report No. 58, 1996, ISBN 3-926979-62-3, € 20.00 - $ 28.00 - SF 40.00.

Sylvia Schumer: Die EU als Akteur in der internationalen Umweltpolitik. Beispiel Ozon- und Klimaregime [The European Union as an International Actor The Examples of the Ozone and Climate Regimes], AFES-PRESS Report No. 55 (out of print), 1995, ISBN 3-926979-59-3.

Tanja Brühl: Verlust der biologischen Vielfalt. Ein neues Problem der internationalen Beziehungen [The Loss of Biological Biodiversity. A New Problem of International Relations], AFES-PRESS Report No. 54, 1995, 106pp., ISBN 3-926979-58-5, € 15.00 - $ 22.00 - SF 30.00.

Wim K. Meijer: Costs of Multinational Verification Organizations in Europe. NATO, WEU and CSCE [Kosten der Multilateralen Verifikationsorganisationen in Europa, NATO, WEU und KSZE], AFES-PRESS Report No. 19, 1993, 124pp., ISBN 3-926979-47-X , € 15.00 - SF 30.00 - $ 21.00.

Karen Feste (Ed.): Regional Security Issues, IPRA Defense and Disarmament Study Group Paper 4 [Regionale Sicherheitsfragen], AFES-PRESS Report No. 44, 1991, ISBN 3-926979-39-9, € 15.00 - $ 20.00 - SF 30.00.

Mediterranean policy, security and environment issues (Southern Europe, North Africa, Near and Middle East)

Antonio Marquina and Hans Günter Brauch (Eds.): The Mediterranean Space and its Borders. Geography, Politics, Economics and Environment. Collection STRADEMED, No. 14 (Madrid: UNISCI - Mosbach: AFES-PRESS), September 2001, ISBN: 3-926979-92-5, 320 pp., € 40.00 - US $38.00 - £ 28.00 - SFr 75.00.

Antonio Marquina and Hans Günter Brauch (Eds.): Political Stability and Energy Cooperation in the Mediterranean, Collection STRADEMED, No. 10 (Madrid: UNISCI - Mosbach: AFES-PRESS, September 2000, ISBN: 3-926979-91-7, 320 pp., € 40.00 - US $ 40.00 - £ 28 - SFr 75.

Hans Günter Brauch, Antonio Marquina, Abdelwahab Biad (Eds.): Euro-Mediterranean Partnership for the 21st Century, Collection STRADEMED, No. 8, June 2000, 504 pp, Hardback £55.00, November 2001, 2nd Edition, 504 pp., Hardback £60.00.

Gerhard Knies, Gregor Czisch, Hans Günter Brauch (Eds.): Regenerativer Strom für Europa durch Fernübertragung elektrischer Energie, Energy Studies No. 1, AFES-PRESS Report No. 67 1999, ISBN 3-926979-71-2 € 35.00 - $ 40.00 - SFr 68.00.

Antonio Marquina (Ed.): Mutual Perceptions in the Mediterranean.Unity and Diversity. Perceptions mutuelles dans la Méditerrané. Unité et Diversité. Collection STRADEMED, No. 6 (Madrid: UNISCI - Paris: Publisud - Mosbach: AFES-PRESS), 1998, 320 pp., ISBN 3-926979-90-9, € 35.00 - 25.00 £ - US$ 35.00 - SFr 68.00.

Hans Günter Brauch (Ed.): Energiepolitik. Technische Entwicklung, politische Strategien, Handlungskonzepte zu erneuerbaren Energien und zur rationellen Energienutzung, 1997, ISBN 3-926979-65-8, € 86.87 - DM 169.90.

Hans Günter Brauch. Energy Policy in North Africa (1950-2050). From Hydrocarbons to Renewables, UNISCI Paper 11-12 (Madrid: UNISCI, 1997) ISBN 84-920440-6-3, € 76.00 - SF 148.00 - $ 70.00.

Antonio Marquina, Hans Günter Brauch (Eds.): Confidence Building and Partnership in the Western Mediterranean. Tasks for Preventive Diplomacy and Conflict Avoidance, AFES-PRESS Report No. 51, 1994, 331 pp., ISBN 3-926979-54-2, € 35.00 - $ 42.00 - SF 68.00.

Uwe J. Reinhardt: Meeresumweltpolitik. Internationale und europäische Umweltpolitik und die Rolle von UN und EG im Mittelmeer [Environmental Policy of the Seas. International and European Environmental Policy and the Role of the UN and EC in the Mediterranean], AFES-PRESS Report No. 25, 1989, 188pp., ISBN 3-926979-17-8, € 20.00 - SF 40.00 - $ 28.00.

Military Strategy, Doctrine and War

Hans Günter Brauch; Henk van de Graaf; John Grin; Wim Smit: Militärtechnikfolgenabschätzung und präventive Rüstungskontrolle. Institutionen, Verfahren und Instrumente. Frieden, Sicherheit, Umwelt, Klima und Energie, No. 11, 1997, ISBN 3-926979-65-8, € 35.00 - $ 35.00 - SF 70.00.

Jürgen Mechler: Das amerikanische Binärwaffenprogramm. Chemische Waffen: Technologie und Politik [The American Binary Weapon Programme Chemical Weapons: Technology and Politics], AFES-PRESS Report No. 52, 1994, 85pp., ISBN 3-926979-56-9, € 15.00 - $ 20.00- SF 30.00.

Hans Günter Brauch - Robert Kennedy (Eds.): Alternative Conventional Defense Postures in the European Theater, Volume 2: The Impact of Political Change on Strategy, Technology, and Arms Control. With a Foreword by General Wolfgang Altenburg, former Chairman of the NATO Military Committee (New York - Bristol, PA - Washington, DC, London: A member of the Taylor & Francis Group), 1992, 300 pp., ISBN 0-8448-1600-0, $ 45.00 - £ 35.00.

Hans Günter Brauch, Henny J. van der Graaf, John Grin, Wim A. Smit (Eds.): Controlling the Development and Spread of Military Technology. Lessons from the Past and Challenges for the 1990s (Amsterdam: VU University Press, 1992).

Hans Günter Brauch (Ed.): Evaluation of ATBM Defense, AFES-PRESS Report No. 27, 1992, 101 pp., ISBN 3-926979-19-4, € 15.00 - SF 30.00 - $ 21.00.

Sherwood S. Cordier: Scandinavia and Finland. Security Policies and Military Capabilities in the 1990s [Skandinavien und Finnland. Sicherheitspolitik und Militärische Fähigkeiten in den 1990er Jahren], AFES-PRESS Report No. 47, 1992, 94 pp., ISBN 3-926979-48-8, € 15.00 - $ 20.00 - SF 30.00.

Hans Günter Brauch - Robert Kennedy (Eds.): Alternative Conventional Defense Postures in the European Theater. Volume 1: The Military Balance and Domestic Constraints. With a Foreword by General Andrew J. Goodpaster (New York - Bristol, PA - Washington, DC, London: A member of the Taylor & Francis Group), 1990, 220 pp., ISBN 0-8448-1598-5, $ 45.00 - £ 32.00.

Roland Kaestner - Kurt Mark: Kriegsbild der Zukunft [Image of Future War], AFES-PRESS Report No. 32 (out of print), 1990, ISBN 3-926979-23-2, € 6.00 - $ 8.00 - SF 12.00.

Lutz Unterseher: The Conventional Land Defense in Central Europe Force Structure, Emerging Technology and Military Stability. Die Konventionelle Territorialverteidigung in Mitteleuropa. Streitkäftestruktur, Neue Technologien und Militärische Stabilität, AFES-PRESS Report No. 30 (out of print), 1990, ISBN 3-926979-21-6, € 15.00 - $ 21.00 - SF 30.00.

Rolf Armbrust: Anti-U-Boot-Kriegführung und strategische Stabilität [Antisubmarine Warfare and Strategic Stability], AFES-PRESS Report No. 8, 1989, 137pp., ISBN 3-926979-05-4, € 15.00 - $ 15.00- SF 30.00.

Hans Günter Brauch (Ed.): Military Doctrine and Arms Control. Selected presentations and Statements at the 5th AFES-PRESS Conference, AFES-PRESS Report No. 29, 1989, 118pp., ISBN 3-926979-24-0, € 13.00 - $ 18.00 - SF 25.00.

Martin Geugis: Waffentechnik und das Konzept strategischer Stabilität. Eine Untersuchung am Beispiel der strategischen C3I-Systeme der USA [Weapons Technology and the Concept of Strategic Stability. A study on US Strategic C3I-Systems], AFES-PRESS Report No. 10 (out of print), 1989, 188pp., ISBN 3-926979-07-0, € 20.00 - $ 28.00 - SF 40.00.

Frank Nicolay: SDI-Raketenabwehrsysteme [SDI - Missile Defence Systems], AFES-PRESS Report No. 11 (out of print), 1989, ISBN 3-926979-08-9, € 20.00 - $ 28.00 - SF 40.00.

Ilse Rosenschild: Antisatellitenwaffen und Rüstungskontrolle [Antisatellite Weapons and Arms Control], AFES-PRESS Report No. 9, 1989, 134pp., ISBN 3-926979-06-2, € 15.00 - SF 30.00 - $ 21.00.

Ralph Ströber-Fassbender: Die Studiengruppe Alternative Sicherheitspolitik und das Konzept der vertrauensbildenden Verteidigung [The Study Group on Alternative Security Policy and the Concept of Confidence Building Defence], AFES-PRESS Report No. 26 (out of print), 1989, ISBN 3-926979-16-X, € 10.00 - SF 20.00.

Norbert Hannig: Verteidigen ohne zu bedrohen. Die DEWA - Konzeption als Ersatz der NATO-FOFA [Defending without Threatening. The DEWA Concept as a Substitute for NATO-FOFA], AFES-PRESS Report No. 5, 1988, 59pp., ISBN 3-926979-03-8, € 10.00 - SF 20.00 - $ 14.00.

Non-offensive or Non-provocative Defence

Hans Günter Brauch - Robert Kennedy (Eds.): Alternative Conventional Defense Postures in the European Theater, Volume 2: The Impact of Political Change on Strategy, Technology, and Arms Control. With a Foreword by General Wolfgang Altenburg, former Chairman of the NATO Military Committee (New York - Bristol, PA - Washington, DC, London: A member of the Taylor & Francis Group), 1992, 300 pp., ISBN 0-8448-1600-0, $ 45.00 - £ 35.00.

Malcolm Chalmers, David Stevenson, Bjørn Møller: Alternative Conventional Defense Struc tures for Europe. British and Danish Perspectives, AFES-PRESS Report No. 22 (out of print), 1992, 94pp., ISBN 3-926979-20-8, € 15.00 - SF 30.00 - $ 21.00.

Hans Günter Brauch: The New Europe and Non-Offensive Defense Concepts. Implications for Military Force Planning of United Germany, AFES-PRESS Report No. 15 (out of print), 1991, 106pp., ISBN 3-926979-41-0, € 15.00 - SF 30.00 - $ 21.00.

Bjørn Møller (Ed.): Non-Offensive Defense in Europe, IPRA Defense and Disarmament Study Group Paper 2, [Nichtoffensive Verteidigung in Europa], AFES-PRESS Report No. 42 (out of print), 1991, ISBN 3-926979-37-2.

Bjørn Møller (Ed.): European Security Structures for the Nineties and Beyond. A Nordic Perspective [Europäische Sicherheitsstrukturen für die 1990er Jahre und darüber hinaus: Eine nordische Perspektive], AFES-PRESS Report No. 40, 1991, 39pp., ISBN 3-926979-33-X, € 10.00 - $ 14.00- SF 20.00.

Hans Günter Brauch - Robert Kennedy (Eds.): Alternative Conventional Defense Postures in the European Theater. Volume 1: The Military Balance and Domestic Constraints. With a Foreword by General Andrew J. Goodpaster (New York - Bristol, PA - Washington, DC, London: A member of the Taylor & Francis Group), 1990, 220 pp., ISBN 0-8448-1598-5, $ 45.00 - £ 32.00.

Norbert Hannig: Verteidigen ohne zu bedrohen. Die DEWA - Konzeption als Ersatz der NATO-FOFA [Defending without Threatening. The DEWA Concept as a Substitute for NATO-FOFA], AFES-PRESS Report No. 5, 1988, 59pp., ISBN 3-926979-03-8, € 10.00 - SF 20.00 - $ 14.00.

Nordic Countries (Denmark, Finland, Lithuania)

Gerhard Knies, Gregor Czisch, Hans Günter Brauch (Eds.): Regenerativer Strom für Europa durch Fernübertragung elektrischer Energie, Energy Studies No. 1, AFES-PRESS Report No. 67 1999, ISBN 3-926979-71-2 € 35.00 - $ 40.00 - SFr 68.00.

Markus Gögele: Sicherheitspolitische Stabilisierung der baltischen Staaten. Zusammenarbeit mit NATO und Europäische Union [Security Stabilisation of the Baltic States. Cooperation with NATO and the European Union], AFES-PRESS Report No. 61, 1997, 81pp., ISBN 3-926979-65-8, € 15.00 - $ 22.00 - SF 30.00.

Kerstin Zimmer: Litauens Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik. Zwischen der Ablösung von der Sowjetunion und der Anbindung an den Westen. [Foreign and Security Policy of Lithuania. Between the dissolution of the Soviet Union and the Linking Up with the West] AFES-PRESS Report No. 65, 1997, 136pp., ISBN 3-926979-69-0, € 20.00 - $ 25.00 - SF 40.00.

Annegret Kaiser: Dänemark und die Europäische Politische Union (1972-1993). Innenpolitische Kontroversen vom Beitritt bis zum Vertrag von Maastricht [Denmark and the European Political Domestic Controversies from the Accession until the Treaty of Maastricht], AFES-PRESS Report No. 53, 1994, 100pp., ISBN 3-926979-57-7, € 15.00 - $ 20.00 - SF 30.00.

Malcolm Chalmers, David Stevenson, Bjørn Møller: Alternative Conventional Defense Struc tures for Europe. British and Danish Perspectives, AFES-PRESS Report No. 22 (out of print), 1992, 94pp., ISBN 3-926979-20-8, € 15.00 - SF 30.00 - $ 21.00.

Sherwood S. Cordier: Scandinavia and Finland. Security Policies and Military Capabilities in the 1990s [Skandinavien und Finnland. Sicherheitspolitik und Militärische Fähigkeiten in den 1990er Jahren], AFES-PRESS Report No. 47, 1992, 94 pp., ISBN 3-926979-48-8, € 15.00 - $ 20.00 - SF 30.00.

Bjørn Møller (Ed.): European Security Structures for the Nineties and Beyond. A Nordic Perspective [Europäische Sicherheitsstrukturen für die 1990er Jahre und darüber hinaus: Eine nordische Perspektive], AFES-PRESS Report No. 40, 1991, 39pp., ISBN 3-926979-33-X, € 10.00 - $ 14.00- SF 20.00.

Silke B. Szichta: Island im Spannungsfeld zwischen Einbringung seiner Lage als politisches Faustpfand und seiner Fischereipolitik [Iceland: Its Geographic Position as a Political Bargaining Chip and Its Fishing Policy], AFES-PRESS Report No. 18, 1989, 136pp., ISBN 3-926979-34-8, € 15.00 - $ 21.00 - 30.00 SF.

Peace Research (in general)

Hans Günter Brauch: Entwicklungen und Ergebnisse der Friedensforschung (1969-1978). Eine Zwischenbilanz und konkrete Vorschläge für das zweite Jahrzehnt (Frankfurt on Main: Haag + Herchen), 1979, 362 pp., ISBN 3-88129-220-9, € 24.00 - $ 24.00

Security Study Group of the
International Peace Research Association (IPRA)

Hendrik Bullens, Seiitsu Tachibana (Eds.) with the assistance of Wayne Reynolds: Restructuring Security Concepts, Postures and Industrial Base. IPRA Security and Disarmament Commission Paper 9, AFES-PRESS Report No. 63, 1997, 255pp., ISBN 3-926979-68-2, € 29.00 - $ 38.00 - SF 58.00.

Hendrik Bullens (Ed.): Arms Industry at the Crossroads: Conversion, Restructuring and Arms Trade in Europe. IPRA Security and Disarmament Commission Paper 8, AFES-PRESS Report No. 62, 1997, 105pp., ISBN 3-926979-67-4, € 15.00 - $ 20.00 - SFr 30.00.

Seiitsu Tachibana (Ed.): Regional Security and Nonproliferation. IPRA Defense and Disarmament Study Group Paper 7 [Regionale Sicherheit und Nichtweitergabe von Atomwaffen], AFES-PRESS Report No. 57, 1995, 137pp., ISBN 3-926979-61-5, € 23.00 - $ 33.00 - SF 45.00.

Czeslaw Mesjasz (Ed.): Security and Disarmament in North-East Asia. IPRA Defense and Disarmament Study Group Paper 6 [Sicherheit und Abrüstung in Nordost Asien], AFES-PRESS Report No. 48, 1993, 63pp., ISBN 3-926979-50-X, € 15.00 - $ 20.00 - SF 30.00.

Czeslaw Mesjasz (Ed.): Security Challenges after the Cold War. IPRA Defense and Disarmament Study Group Paper 5 [Sicherheitspolitische Herausforderungen nach dem Kalten Krieg], AFES-PRESS Report No. 46, 1994, 107pp., ISBN 3-926979-49-6, € 20.00 - $ 25.00 - SF 40.00.

Karen Feste (Ed.): Regional Security Issues, IPRA Defense and Disarmament Study Group Paper 4 [Regionale Sicherheitsfragen], AFES-PRESS Report No. 44, 1991, ISBN 3-926979-39-9, € 15.00 - $ 20.00 - SF 30.00.

Czeslaw Mesjasz (Ed.): Political Stability and European Developments, IPRA Defense and Disarmament Study Group Paper 3 [Politische Stabilität und Europäische Entwicklungen], AFES-PRESS Report No. 43, 1991, 45 pp., ISBN 3-926979-38-0, € 10.00 - SF 20.00 - $ 14.00.

Bjørn Møller (Ed.): Non-Offensive Defense in Europe, IPRA Defense and Disarmament Study Group Paper 2, [Nichtoffensive Verteidigung in Europa], AFES-PRESS Report No. 42 (out of print), 1991, ISBN 3-926979-37-2.

Hans Günter Brauch (Ed.): Weapons Technology, Disarmament and Verification, IPRA Defense and Disarmament Study Group Paper 1, AFES-PRESS Report No. 41, 1991, 141pp., ISBN 3-926979-36-4, € 15.00 - $ 20.00 - SF 30.00.

Space: Military and Civilian Use

Hans Günter Brauch (Ed.): Evaluation of ATBM Defense, AFES-PRESS Report No. 27, 1992, 101 pp., ISBN 3-926979-19-4, € 15.00 - SF 30.00 - $ 21.00.
Rip Bulkeley - Hans Günter Brauch: The Anti-ballistic Missile Treaty and World Security, AFES-PRESS Report No. 14, 1988, 105 pp., ISBN 3-926979-00-3, € 8.00 - £ 3.95 - SF 15.00 - $10.00.

Hans Günter Brauch: Europäische Verteidigungsinitiative, AFES-PRESS Report No. 3 (out of print), 1988, ISBN 3-926979-02-X, € 10.00 - $ 14.00 - SF 20.00.

Hans Günter Brauch: Antitactical Missile Defense. Will the European Version of SDI Undermine the ABM Treaty? AFES-PRESS Report No. 1, 1988, 84pp., ISBN 3-926979-01-1, € 10.00 - SF 20.00 - $ 14.00.

Hans Günter Brauch (Ed.): Star Wars and European Defence. Implications for Europe: Perceptions and Assessments. With a Foreword by Denis Healey and a preface by Raymond L. Garthoff (London: Macmillan Press - New York: St. Martin's Press), 1987, 651 pp., ISBN 0-333-46483-4, £ 65.00

Hans Günter Brauch - Rainer Fischbach: Military Use of Outer Space. A Research Bibliography, AFES-PRESS Report No. 4 (out of print). 1987, € 15.00- $ 14.00 - SF 20.00.

Hans Günter Brauch - Rainer Fischbach: Militärische Nutzung des Weltraums. Eine Bibliographie, Series: Militärpolitik und Rüstungsbegrenzung, No. 8, 1988, ISBN 3-87061-373-8 (out of print).

Hans Günter Brauch: 30 Thesen und 10 Bewertungen zur Strategischen Verteidigungsinitiative (SDI) und zur Europäischen Verteidigungsinitiative (EVI), AFES-PRESS Report No. 2 (out of print), 1986, 1989, € 5.00 - SF 11.00.

Hans Günter Brauch - Rolf-Dieter Müller (Eds.): Chemische Kriegführung - Chemische Abrüstung. Dokumente und Kommentare. Mit einem Vorwort von Prof. Dr. Adolf-Henning Frucht, Militärpolitik und Rüstungsbegrenzung, Band 1, Berlin: Berlin Verlag Arno Spitz (out of print), 1985, 384 pp., ISBN 3-87061-265-7

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